With the global crisis right now most of the unemployed turn to the job openings in Call Centers. Who wouldn't get attracted with such adds like "STARTING PAY - 18 to 23 thousand, accepts undergraduates, with or without experience, SIGNING BONUS - 5 thousand pesos!" Need I say more? It's like a magnet that even the most tenured employee in a banking firm considers to leave her/his current employment for these kinds of perks. But being in the Call Center Industry for roughly 5 years well I can personally attest that it's not a walk in the park. People should understand that besides talking in straight English for 7.1 hours over the phone (formula: 8 hrs - your lunch and coffee break), being scolded by your supervisor for not hitting your quota and failing your Quality Score are a few of the pressure a typical Call Center agent experience daily. But if your really decided to have a career in the this industry, let me provide you a couple of tips on how to get accepted in the number 1 most viewed add in Jobstreet and Jobsdb.
-Just imagine you getting morphed in the US or another country going in to work. So read alot of English Magazines/Books and Watch TV shows or Movies most especially the one's that have slang and hard accent. Sometimes you'll be talking to New Yorkers that talk fast and some from Georgia that have alot of Black Americans that have thick accents. Make you wanna think your talking to a rapper.
2. A great RESUME still matters
-Just because some call centers are really ampped on getting applicants to fill in their vacancies, doesn't mean they don't look at your curriculum vitae.They still look at it since it indicates alot of information about your educational attainment, family background and all other details.
- Show genuine interest to your interviewer and make your interview feel that your just not up for the money alone.
-Literally research on the company you'll be joining or if your already in, have an idea of what kind you clients you'll be taking to try to. It will be an advantage for you once you start taking in calls.
There are alot of tips which I can probably give you but for now, the 4 mentioned above can help you land the job you want...
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