Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Stock Market, Fashion and alot of blabbing!

As usual being the night owl that I am, I take time to write something in my blog...just finish watching the nightly news and as always, I'm wasn't enough to pull my energy down. It took 1 news about the stock market to add stress in my head...thinking of what makes me relax, just before doing this blog I flipped pages of my favorite Fashion magazine Seventeen and Cosmopolitan to calm my nerves...haha guess what it did! There's no better way to end a very hectic, head spinning day than to look at 5000 Thousand Dollar purses and shoes...Geeze! And to think the stock market is struggling...

Anyhow I've already blabbing non-sense...let me just do what I'm good at (I think) out my personal insights ...NO! I'm not a stylist or a fashion expert but I've always have an eye for style and people do notice that....And alot of people would agree although fashion magazines are a thrill to look at, you can't really wear those in the office or even go to school...No offense to high fashion photographers and models but for real, we can't wear them! I work in a Fortune 500 company and there's no way I can pass our reception area with tissed hair and smokey eye shadow matched with props....well maybe that's why they call it "high fashion"...

But don't get me wrong i really love fashion...i love dressing up, wearing and buying designer things but of course i refer to magazines first before spending my hard earned cash...and at times i get disappointed looking at those high fashion magazine...just wish they put more realistic shots where people can see the clothes...where we can see if the clothes fit us...sometimes too artistic isn't always pleasing to one's eye...

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